Tuesday, 13 March 2012


how  easiest way to obtain the name of traffic from search engines that?
As we have seen together, especially to get traffic from search engines like google, yahoo, msn, bing, etc. require the name of optimization in order to improve the traffic requests. This optimization has been done before, such as blogspot seo optimization, keyword optimization, and many other optimization optimization-an absolute must we pursue.
Here at least there are 10 easy ways to get traffic from search engines that I got from my search results in various blog master.
1. Creating search engine friendly title tag

One of the most important modification is necessary to blogspot is the title tag customization of the site mate, because the blogger default is not optimized for search engines. To prove this point to navigate to an individual post on the blog so that my friend will see that blogname first appeared in the title bar at the top of the browser followed by the name of the post buddy. As search engines are placing greater value on the first words of an entry is placed on the site mate a disadvantageous position in search engine results. Fortunately easy to reverse the name and the name of the blog post with a simple tweak.
2. Creating a search engine permalinks

Blogger automatically generates a permalink based on the title of the post my friend every time my friend made the posting. For this reason it is important to compile a book buddy with caution. Permalinks are sometimes less than ideal, especially if my friend has a long title.
3. Adding to the social network

By adding social bookmarking buttons to your blog will allow visitors to your blog to create a link to a popular social bookmarking sites like Google, Technorati, Facebook, MySpace, Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Delicious, Furl, Yahoo, Traffic News, etc.. This means that your blog visitors will be able to share links with others so that helps mate attract more traffic to your blog and encouraged to visit again. Another benefit of a social bookmarking button is that my friend will be able to identify trends and visitor behavior on the social bookmarking site pal.
4. Send to a search engine sitemap blog famous

It is important that the friend to make sure that your blog has been indexed by popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. One way to expedite this is to submit a sitemap to each of the three major search engines.

5. Build quality links

If my friend wanted to rank high in Google and other search engines then my friend just need to produce quality incoming links. Some ways to do is to submit a blog to a dofollow blog directories such as BlogCatalog, MyBlogLog, and many others.
6. Writing compelling content quality 

Writing with interesting content on the blog will invite people to come back and visit as often as you update your blog so that visitors do not get bored visiting.
7. Make sure the content is written containing many keywords

In this post will be my friend should write is to write more keywords that will most likely appear at the top searches on search engines. At the time of writing this post make sure the opening sentence of buddies describe what's in this article and contains keywords and keyword phrases. It is important that the first sentence of buddies is a much sought after as a keyword search engines like Google give more emphasis to the content at the beginning of the post. Also worth including a brief statement about the contents end up posting because there is some evidence that Google also places value on the content at the end of the post.

8. Manage feed

Feeds to help visitors find the site buddy buddy so they need to be managed carefully to make the most of them. Pal site feed is an important way to create backlinks (backlinks) as well. Backlinks (backlinks) from authoritative sites are very valuable and can increase the page rank mate.
9. Optimize the use of image

My friend does not contemplate the possibility of an image problem when my friend put the image into the post mate, but the image can be optimized by using the name of the file carefully and Alt attributes. When the picture naming avoid long names. Instead of giving a friend a picture file names are different rather than something generic like 00001.jpg that has no meaning.
10. Taking advantage of Web Analytics service

After implementing several strategies to improve crawling and indexing sites for search engines pal Google, Yahoo and MSN buddies will likely want to see how these changes affect the traffic on the site mate. Web Analytics program is a valuable tool to gain insight into visitor behavior and trends.

Well, actually there is another way in addition to the above, namely blogwalking. one way we can do to get the visitor traffic is by conducting a walk to the blog. In this way it has always been there, but I think this is one blogger obligation as well to get blog traffic.